香港電子商務物流協會很高興與香港數碼港舉辦小組討論活動,通過數字貨運和智能物流培養創新者和企業家。 隨著大流行的開始,物流已成為全球話題。 它給企業家和初創企業帶來機遇和威脅。 我們希望通過分享我們對可持續業務增長的電子物流洞察力來整合業務。
Hong Kong ECommerce Logistics Association is delighted to organize a panel discussion event with Cyberport Hong Kong by cultivating innovators and entrepreneurs with digital freight and smart logistics. Logistics has become a global topic with the start of the pandemic. It brings opportunities and threats to entrepreneurs and start-ups. We wish to get the business together by sharing our eLogistics insight for sustainable business growth.