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Student Member
(a) 學生意指於專上學院就讀旗下提供認可專業考試的課程之人士。
(b) 學生會員申請須以書面形式提交予本會榮譽秘書。
(a) Students of the Institute are those persons who are enrolled on courses related to approved professional examination schemes of the Institute.
(b) Application for Student membership should be made in writing to the Hon. Secretary.
Affiliate Member
(a) 附屬機構意指有意與機構相關活動有關聯之人士。
(b) 附屬會員申請需以書面形式提交予本會榮譽秘書。
(c) 附屬會員有權使用「AMELA」稱謂。
(a) Affiliates of the Institute are those persons who wish to be associated with the Institute’s activities.
(b) Application for Affiliateship with the Institute shall be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary.
(c) Affiliates member is entitled to use “AMELA”.
Chartered Member
(i) 具採購/供應/物流或相關學科的學位或同等學歷;
(ii) 於採購及供應或相關領域具至少兩年工作經驗;及
(iii) 就其本身的職級及履行的職責而言,是合適成為會員的人選,並應向理事會提供有關其職責性質的所需詳情、現時服務及曾服務過的組織。會員有權使用「CMELA」稱謂。
The Council shall satisfy themselves that the applicant to be elected as Member:
(i) has possessed an academic qualification in purchasing/ supply/ logistics or related disciplines at degree level, or its equivalent;
(ii) has had a minimum of two years of working experience in purchasing and supply or related field; and
(iii) is a fit and proper person to become a Member of the Institute both in respect of his own character and in respect of the duties he performs, and shall furnish the Council with such particulars as they may require with regard to the nature of his duties and of the organisations which he serves and has served. Member is entitled to use the appellation “CMELA”.
Corporate Member
(a) 企業會員申請需以書面形式提交予本會榮譽秘書。
(b) 選舉標準:任何組織、企業、公司或機構、法團或商務實業,其政策及運營直接或間接涉及採購/供應/物流領域,均有資格參與選舉及加入成為企業會員。
(c) 企業會員權選舉兩(貳)名提名人/代表/授權代表,參加由本會計劃、安排或以本會名義組織的所有會議和活動,並相應地被授予作為準會員的全部權利及權利。
(d) 企業會員並毋投票權。
(a) Application for Corporate Membership should be made in writing by the appropriate authority to the Hon. Secretary.
(b) Criteria for Election: Any organisation, enterprise, company or institution, statutory or business orientated, whose policies and operations involve directly or indirectly in the discipline of purchasing/ supply/ logistics shall be eligible for election and admission as a Corporate Member.
(c) A Corporate Member is entitled to elect two (2) nominees/ representatives/ delegates to all sittings and activities so planned, programmed or organised by and in the name of the Institute and shall be accorded full rights and entitlements as Associate Members accordingly.
(d) Corporate Member is a non-voting member.
Membership Fee
會員分類 Membership | 年費 Annual Fee |
特許會員 Chartered Member | HKD 1,800 |
附屬會員 Affiliate Member | HKD 1,800 |
學生會員 Student Member | HKD 300 |
企業會員 Corporate Member | HKD 3,800 |
Are you eager to advance your career in the logistics industry for E-commerce? Or do you want to exert your specialties in the emerging online market? HKELA aims to provide a community for members like you to connect and grow. As a HKELA member, you can participate in events including networking, logistics site tours and market researches. In addition, members are open to personal development opportunities including mentorship, management trainee programme, and referral programme.
For more information on how to join us, please refer to our “MEMBERSHIP” page.

Business Networking

Mentorship Programme

Management Trainee Programme

Referral Program