
香港,2024年2月29日- 香港電子商務物流協會(HKELA)熱忱支持最新財政預算案提出的措施,旨在推動電商物流和高增值海運服務的發展,進一步推動香港電子商務物流業的發展。物流和電子商務行業的機會。 同時,機場管理局正全力推動機場三跑道系統的規劃工作,目標是在今年底投入營運。

這些措施將為香港電商物流業帶來巨大機會和發展潛力。 隨著全球電子商務市場的蓬勃發展,物流網路的高效運作已成為電子商務成功的關鍵因素。 香港作為國際物流樞紐,擁有先進的基礎設施和優越的地理位置,成為區域電商物流中心具有得天獨厚的優勢。

預算案提及發展高加值海運服務的措施,將進一步提升香港在國際物流舞台的競爭力。 同時,機場三跑道系統的建設將為航空業提供更多機會。 機場管理局將加強與相關國家的航空服務聯繫,拓展航空網絡,特別關注現有主要航線和潛在的「一帶一路」航線。 香港機場約有 120 家航空公司營運的航班飛往全球約 180 個目的地。 作為國際航空樞紐,機場的願景是利用港珠澳大橋帶來的便利和機遇,將香港機場打造成集商業、展覽、旅遊、生活、休閒等元素於一體的「機場城市」。和物流,成為世界級地標。

機場管理局也計劃充分發揮機場在處理高價值和溫控航空貨物方面的優勢。 其中,與東莞共同推廣「海空貨運聯運」模式,計劃明年底前完成「香港國際空港物流園」永久設施第一期建設,逐步達到年吞吐能力一百萬噸。 機場管理局將積極拓展航空貨運服務,包括在東莞物流園區提供冷鏈貨運服務,以及與珠海共同發展國際貨運服務。


綜上所述,協會對最新財政預算案提出的措施表示支持,相信這些措施將為香港電商物流業帶來巨大的發展潛力。 協會將與業界共同努力,充分掌握機遇,推動產業發展,為香港打造區域性電子商務物流中心做出貢獻。


Hong Kong E-Commerce Logistics Association (HKELA) Support the Measures to Boost E-Logistics and Affirms Commitment to Planned Three-Runway System in HK Airport Authority, Enhance Hong Kong Logistics Competitiveness

Hong Kong, 29th February 2024 – Hong Kong E-Commerce Logistics Association (HKELA) warmly supports the measures proposed in the latest fiscal budget, aimed at promoting the development of e-commerce logistics and high-value-added maritime services, further boosting the logistics and e-commerce opportunities in the industry. At the same time, the Airport Authority is proceeding full speed ahead with the planned three-runway system at the airport, with the goal of becoming operational by the end of this year.

These measures will bring immense opportunities and development potential to Hong Kong’s e-commerce logistics industry. With the flourishing global e-commerce market, efficient operation of the logistics network has become a key factor in achieving e-commerce success. Hong Kong, as an international logistics hub, possesses advanced infrastructure and a superior geographic location, making it uniquely advantageous to become a regional e-commerce logistics centre.

The measures mentioned in the budget to develop high-value-added maritime services will further enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness on the international logistics stage. Simultaneously, the construction of the three-runway system at the airport will provide more opportunities for the aviation industry. The Airport Authority will strengthen aviation service connections with relevant countries, expand the aviation network, particularly focusing on current major routes and the potential “Belt and Road” routes. Hong Kong Airport handles flights to approximately 180 destinations worldwide operated by around 120 airlines. As an international aviation hub, the airport’s vision is to utilize the convenience and opportunities brought by the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge to transform Hong Kong Airport into an “Airport City,” integrating elements such as business, exhibitions, tourism, lifestyle, and logistics, becoming a world-class landmark.

The Airport Authority also plans to fully leverage the airport’s advantages in handling high-value and temperature-controlled air cargo. Among them, jointly promoting the “sea-air cargo intermodal” mode with Dongguan and planning to complete the first phase construction of the “Hong Kong International Airport Logistics Park” permanent facilities by the end of next year, gradually reaching an annual handling capacity of one million tons. The Airport Authority will actively expand air cargo services, including cold chain cargo services at the Dongguan Logistics Park and jointly developing international freight services with Zhuhai.

HKELA President Suki Cheung stated, “We strongly believes that these measures, as well as the three-runway system project, will bring more opportunities and competitive advantages to the industry. The association will actively support the initiatives of the government and the Airport Authority, promoting the industry’s full utilisation of these measures to explore broader logistics and e-commerce markets. HKELA will collaborate with the industry, providing relevant training and resources to enhance the capabilities and competitiveness of logistics and e-commerce operators. At the same time, the association will actively participate in the government’s policy-making process, offering suggestions and opinions to advocate for more support and development opportunities for the industry.”

In summary, the association expresses support for the measures proposed in the latest fiscal budget, believing that these measures will bring tremendous development potential to Hong Kong’s e-commerce logistics industry. The association will work together with the industry, fully seize these opportunities, promote industry development, and contribute to establishing Hong Kong as a regional e-commerce logistics enter.

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