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– 榮譽顧問
Anna Lin, MH, JP, FCILT
– Honorary Advisor

林潔貽女士現為香港貨品編碼協會總裁,擁有超過30年 高層管理資歷,於制定策略、推行業務計劃及開拓行業 創新平台方面經驗豐富,為企業的營運方式帶來變革, 推動企業在本地及海外業務的發展。



林女士於2018年獲香港物流與運輸學會頒授院士(FCILT)名銜,表揚其在推動本地物流 及運輸行業發展的貢獻及成就。



  • 香港特別行政區政府數字化經濟發展委員會非官方委員
  • 香港特別行政區政府香港物流發展局基建及推廣小組副主席
  • 香港中文大學亞洲供應鏈管理及物流研究所諮詢委員會主席
  • 香港貿易發展局物流服務業諮詢委員會委員
  • 香港智慧城巿聯盟供應鏈小組主席
  • 香港 – 東盟經濟合作基金會顧問
  • OpenCertHub管理諮詢委員會委員


  • GS1全球CEO諮詢委員會委員
  • 太平洋盆地經濟理事會(PBEC)董事局董事
  • 亞太經合組織(APEC)貿易和投資委員會及糧食安全政策夥伴成員
  • 伯明翰大學商學院諮詢委員會委員
  • 伯明翰大學香港基金董事局董事

Anna has more than 30 years of CEO experience in steering the strategic direction of the organisation, spearheading major strategic innovative initiatives that have revolutionized the way companies do business locally and globally, helping HK business community thrive.

Working Experience
She has led GS1 Hong Kong to establish platforms, ecosystems and programmes that have driven industry adoption of global supply chain standards, practices and technologies for enhanced business efficiency, digital commerce and IoT development across industries.

Education and Qualification
Ms. Lin is a native of Hong Kong. She holds an MBA in Strategic Management from the University of Birmingham United Kingdom.

Track Records
Ms. Lin attains Chartered Fellow (FCILT), granted by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in 2018, recognising her achievement and contribution to the industries in Hong Kong.

In fostering a collaborative ecosystem, Ms Lin holds a number of appointments in both government and local industry organizations as well as regional organisations, including:


  • Non-official Member of Digital Economy Development Committee, HKSAR
  • Vice-chairman of Subcommittee on Infrastructure and Promotion, Hong Kong Logistics Development Council, HKSAR
  • Chairman of Asian Institute of Supply Chains & Logistics Advisory Committee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Member of HKTDC Logistics Services Advisory Committee
  • Chairman of Supply Chain Special Interest Group, Smart City Consortium, Hong Kong
  • Advisor of Hong Kong-ASEAN Economic Cooperation Foundation
  • Member of Management Advisory Board, OpenCertHub

Global / Regional:

  • Member of the GS1 CEO Advisory Council
  • Director of Board of Pacific Basin Economic Council
  • APEC Business Advisory Council Hong Kong representative for APEC Policy Partnership on Food Security
  • Member of Advisory Board of School of Business, University of Birmingham
  • Advisor of Hong Kong-ASEAN Economic Cooperation Foundation
  • Director of Board of Hong Kong Foundation, University of Birmingham