About Us

Elaine Lam
Talent Development Trainer
專注於物流行業業務拓展的認證培訓師,擁有超過16年經驗。專業範疇包括人才發展、DSA培訓、銷售績效管理及提升員工投入度。Elaine 將自己的職業生涯投身於人才發展,她致力於培養物流人才並為她的團隊帶來成功。
從加入物流行業開始,Elaine 從未停止學習和完善她的技能,為客戶創造價值。這使她在銷售業績表現出色並晉升為區域銷售經理。其後,為發展對培育人才的熱誠,Elaine 投身於銷售的人才培訓超過16 年。為學員和公司屢創佳績。
自 2018 年開始,Elaine便是一名知識豐富的培訓師。Elaine 的專長包括:
- CVI – 情景銷售談判培訓認證培訓師
- 人才選拔與績效衡量的能力質素模型
- 推動業務成長:績效評估、輔導、差距分析、定制培訓計劃
作為一名培訓師和導師,Elaine 繼續為她的學生帶來啓法。她還在香港管理專業協會 市場推銷研究社 傑出推銷員獎 (DSA) 中為 30 多名 UPS 候選人取得了令人矚目的成就,並獲得了以下公認的成績:
- 100% 合格率
- Best of the Best Award:兩名獲獎者
- 最佳 5 強傑出獎:三名獲獎者
Elaine 在銷售和解決方案、人才發展和銷售戰略規劃方面累積了豐富的經驗。
International certified trainer dedicated in the Fortune Top 500 Companies of logistics industry, with 16 years in DSA trainer, Talent Development, Sales Performance Management, Employees Engagement. As Elaine decided to devote her career in talent development, she dedicated to foster logistics specialists and bring successes to her team.
Working Experience
Elaine Lam is a certified trainer in the logistics industry for over 5 years and DSA trainer for 16 years. It started when she joined UPS as a sales professional, Elaine never ceased to learn and refine her skillsets to create value for customers. This led to her profound success in sales performance and promotion to be an Area Sales Manager.
Education and Qualification
Being a knowledgeable trainer since 2018, Elaine’s specialisms include:
- Certified Trainer of Situational Sales Negotiation Training by CVI
- Competency Modeling for selecting talents & performance measurement
- Drive for business result-Performance Review, coaching, Gap analysis, Customized Training plan
Track Records
As a trainer and teacher, Elaine continues to bring inspiration to her students. She also has an impressive achievement of over 30 UPS candidates in HKMA SME Club Distinguished Salesperson Award Programme (DSA) with recognized results of:
- 100% qualified DSA awardees
- 2 awardees of Best of the Best Award
- 3 awardees of Best 5 Distinguished Award
With the proven experience, Elaine has established a strong qualification in sales & solutions, talent development, and sales strategy planning.