About Us

– 會長
Francis Chan
– President
Logistics Sector and Supply Chain Management
一位專業的物流從業者,在香港、澳門及中國的國際供應鏈管理、電子商務物流、文件管理及掃描擁有 12 年經驗。個人信念:“堅定、思想開明、溝通、持續改進”。經過多年的職業發展,Francis 希望從不同的角度分享他的經驗和知識:市場營銷、工作流程設計、倉儲和物料處理系統、供應鏈管理科技以及戰略協作。
Francis 知識豐富及專業,能夠在物流領域和供應鏈管理中製定進入市場策略(GTM) ,同時在跨國物流公司的內部流程審計。憑藉概念框架和實踐經驗,他能通過簡化運營流程及提高服務質量,為客戶創造附加價值來適應市場趨勢。
- 工業物流系統理學碩士,香港理工大學
- 中國商業研究理學碩士,香港理工大學
- 整合策略傳播文學士,香港城市大學
- 註冊會員- 香港運輸物流學會
- IATA危險品法規
- 獲得資歷架構頒發的「學習體驗獎勵計劃」獎
- 獲得跨國物流公司頒發的「思想開明」獎
- 於跨國物流公司越南亞太區會議演講「香港本地市場趨勢與競爭」
- 於跨國物流公司演講「大中華區交叉銷售」
- 於市場平台演講「零售和電子商務物流解決方案」
A professional logistics practitioners with 12 years experience in International Supply Chain Management, e-Commerce Fulfilment Solutions and Records management & Imaging in Hong Kong, Macau and China. My personal philosophy in my life: ”Determined, Open-minded, Communication and Continuous Improvement”. After years of dedication in the logistics industry, Francis expects to share his experience and knowledge from different perspectives: sales and marketing, workflow design, warehousing and material handling systems, supply chain management enabling technologies and strategic collaboration among different parties.
Working Experience
Francis is very knowledgeable and professional to build a go-to-market (GTM) strategy in logistic sector and supply chain management, and he is an internal auditor in multinational logistic company. With conceptual framework and practical experience, he is able to streamline the operation process and to enhance services quality to fit the market trend by creating additional value for customers.
Francis’s solid working experience to handle regional project in Hong Kong, Macau & China with multinational corporation clients by his systematic approach: setting of targets, aims, strategy, tactics, tools, and performance measures from project initial stage to closing stage. His independence and professionalism has proven himself as an intelligent and capable person.
Education and Qualification
He entered the logistics industry after completion of his undergraduate program. Ever since, he has completed various master degrees in a wide range of faculties in University, including Faculty of Arts, Business and Engineering.
- Master in Industrial Logistic System, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Master in China Business Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Bachelor in Integrated Strategic Communication, City University of Hong Kong
- Chartered Member – The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport
- IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
Track Records
- Received “Award Scheme for Learning Experiences” awarded by Qualifications Framework
- Received “Open-minded” awarded by multinational logistic company
- Speaker for the “Local Market Trend and Competition in Hong Kong” of Asia Pacific Meeting in Vietnam
- Speaker for the “Cross-selling of Greater China” in multinational logistic company
- Speaker for the “Logistic solution for retails and e-commence” on marketplace platform