About Us

– 副會長 – 秘書長和公共事務
Mann Yim
– Vice President of Secretary General and Public Affairs
Mann 現是 NEXX 的主席,該組織旨在促進不同業界的交流和技術創新計劃,涵蓋一系列不同垂直領域,包括金融科技、藝術科技、房地產科技和可持續發展。
現在,他是 Bubbleslink 的董事,該公司是一家科技諮詢公司,為企業提供端到端電子商務和基於區塊鏈的解決方案。他曾在領先的跨國企業擔任多個重要的管理和諮詢職務,主要職責擴大在亞太地區的業務和提高運營效率。憑藉他在互聯網領域超過 20 多年經驗,Mann 在區內 ICT 行業建立了廣泛的網絡,擁有豐富戰略營銷、合作夥伴關係和業務發展方面的專業知識。
此外,自 2015 年以來,Mann 擔任 The Best Practice of eCommerce Alliance 的主席,一直推廣香港作為亞洲主要電子商務樞紐,以集中不同資源推動香港電子商務普及並創造新的商機。
Mann 經常受邀在不同的科技會議和研討會公開演講, 並作為導師和初創企業分享經驗。他還經常受邀參加香港和中國的創業比賽的評審團。
Mann is the Chairman of NEXX which aims to promote tech innovation across different verticals with a series of tech innovation initiatives including Fintech, Art Tech, PropTech and Sustainability. Now, he is a director at Bubbleslink which is a technology consulting firm to deliver end-to-end eCommerce and blockchain based solutions to enterprise. Prior to his appointment, he held several key management and consulting roles in leading multinational enterprises for expanding business and operation in Asia Pacific. With his over 20 years inception in internet sector, Mann has built an extensive network across ICT industry, homing his expertise in strategic marketing, partnerships and business development.
Working Experience
Furthermore, he is the Chairman of The Best Practice of eCommerce Alliance which promotes Hong Kong as a major hub of eCommerce in Asia, driving collaboration to pool resources and create business opportunities, and accelerating ICT adoption through strategic initiatives and partnerships.
Track Records
He is frequently invited to be speaker giving public speech regarding eCommerce and business Innovation at conferences, seminars and mentorship to start-ups. He also participates in judging panels of start-up competitions in both Hong Kong and China.