About Us
– 榮譽顧問
Timmy Lee MH
– Honorary Advisor
Member of Zhongshan Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Non-official Member of The HKSAR Youth Development Commission
李騰駿先生現為香港永明金融有限公司高級業務總監 ,主要負責業務拓展管理工作。
李騰駿先生於保險業擁有豐富的行業及管理經驗, 多年來於業界獲獎無數, 除了在行業有卓越表現,李先生亦在二十多年前投身服務青年界別, 服務範圍包括國際青年商會香港總會、兩岸四地青年交流、內地實習、香港女童軍總會及全港各大專院校內服務青年學生。除了青年工作,李先生還服務於不少政府委員會及葵青區地區服務。
於2022年4月,李先生獲特區政府委任為青年發展委員會委員,繼續為香港青年發展出謀獻策,為了更準確編寫青年發展藍圖報告書,李先生在不同領域安排了10場的交流會,總出席人數超過400人。 多年來李先生在青年事務的貢獻,也為他廣結了很多志同道合的夥伴, 為了更有效講好香港故事,他們正籌備一個全新的慈善團體 「凝康網絡」,旨在凝聚地區正能量及關注青少年的身心靈健康,希望未來能發展成為香港其中一個青少年培訓基地及人才庫。
上海中國和平統一促進會 常務委員
政協第十二屆中山市委員會 委員
特區政府青年發展委員會 委員
華人永遠墳場管理委員會 委員
內務事務委員會 副主席
葵青區撲滅罪行委員會 委員
葵青發展義工團 會長
香港基本法推介聯席會議 副秘書長
香港中山社團總會康體事務委員會 主席
港台青年交流促進會 副主席
香港女童軍總會會員拓展委員會(2015-20) 第一屆主席
香港女童軍總會深水埗分會 創會主席
和富領袖網絡督導委員會(2016-18) 總監
國際青年商會香港總會2011 總會會長
中山港澳台青年交流促進會 創會主席
Mr. Timmy Lee is the Senior Agency Director of Sun Life Hong Kong Limited and his main duties concern business development and management.
Working Experience
Timmy has vast experience in the insurance sector, having received numerous awards and accolades in his many years in the industry. Aside from exemplary performance in the insurance industry, He also began participating in youth service over two decades ago, including serving Junior Chamber International Hong Kong, cross strait four regions youth exchange program, mainland internship program, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, Wofoo Leaders’ Network. In addition to youth service, Mr. Lee sits in various Government committees and some services in Kwai Ching District.
In April 2022, Mr. Lee was appointed by the Government of the HKSAR as a member of Youth Development Committee which enable him to continue serving and developing strategies for youth. In order to prepare his report on Blueprint for Youth Development, Mr. Lee organized 10 sessions of exchange forums in various districts with over 400 participants.
In his numerous years of youth service, Mr. Lee has met many friends who share his passion in a better Hong Kong and together they are organizing a new NGO XXX with a view to achieving cohesion of positivity, 旨在凝聚地區正能量及 supporting mental and physical well-being and creating opportunities for our youth.
Education and Qualification
Mr. Lee holds a post graduate diploma from South China University of Technology and an MBA from St. Clement University; professional qualifications include China Certified Financial Planner (CCFP), Certified Financial Organizer (CFO), Associate, Customer Service (ACS), Chartered Insurance Agency Manager (CIAM).
Track Records
Executive Member of Shanghai China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification
Member of Zhongshan Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
Non-official Member of The HKSAR Youth Development Commission
Member of The Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries cum Vice Chairman of Internal Affairs Committee
Member of District Fight Crime Committee (Kwai Tsing District)
President of Kwai Tsing Volunteer Develop Team
Deputy Secretary of Joint Committee for The Promotion of The Basic Law of Hong Kong
Chairman of Leisure Services Committee, Federation of Hong Kong Zhong Shan Community Organisations
Vice Chairman of Hong Kong-Taiwan Youth Exchange Promotion Association
First Chairman of Membership Development Committee, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association (2015-2020)
Founding Chairman of Sham Shui Po District Association, The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association
Supervisor of Steering Committee, Wofoo Leaders’ Network (2016-18)
2011 National President of Junior Chamber International Hong Kong
Founding Chairman of Zhong Shan-Hong Kong-Macau-Taiwan Youth Exchange Promotion Association