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Connections and collaboration are the keys for innovation. As we approach the end of 2022, staying on top of the latest trends with logistics technology innovators can help enterprises be more efficient, and bring new goals for 2023 closer to reality.
On December 06 2022, Hong Kong E-Commerce Logistics Association (HKELA) and the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce’s Young Executives Club (HKGCC YEC) organized a joint visit to the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM). The visit aimed to inform the business community and young professionals about intelligent supply chain solutions by showcasing the latest e-commerce and logistics digitalization technology. During the visit, participants watched demonstrations showcasing VR Cave, Tele-control Warehouse Stackers Using 5G, robotics solutions, and autonomous guided vehicles (AGV). The event also successfully connected businesses, innovators, and youths for potential networking and collaboration opportunities.
“Technology is changing the landscape of logistics to reach new heights of efficiency and automation. Therefore, we are excited to see and facilitate the adoption of new supply chain related technologies at the LSCM. We will continue to promote and enhance digital transformation knowledge to members and the public,” Hong Kong E-Commerce Logistics Association (HKELA) President Suki Cheung commented.
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