2023年4月15日,香港電商物流協會(HKELA)與青年委員會成員獲邀參加香港生產力促進局 生產力學院2023 ICT人才招聘會,並作為主講嘉賓之一。 活動匯集來自 ICT 行業的 19 多家參展商和企業合作夥伴,為應屆畢業生、大學生以及對信息和通信技術 (ICT) 行業感興趣的人士提供超過 500 多個就業機會。
“我們很高興參加香港生產力促進局生產力學院ICT人才招聘會,並榮幸可以借這個機會向年輕一代展示電子商務物流行業的潛力。通過我們青年委員會的分享,我們希望可以幫助新一代突破對物流行業的傳統印象。我們相信透過展示現代電子商務物流的不同樂趣和創新思維,可以激發更多年輕人才加入這個發展蓬勃的行業。” 香港電子商務物流協會會長張淑明表示。青年委員會委員在活動中分享不同電商物流範疇的工作經驗、職業專才,以及各種的發展方向。 涵蓋的主題包括市場營銷、網上銷售模式、倉儲、物流自動化解決方案、國際航運和行内交際活動等。
On April 15, 2023, the Hong Kong E-Commerce Logistics Association (HKELA) joined Huawei x HKPC ICT Talent Job Fair with the youth committee members as one of the featured speakers. The event brought together over 19 exhibitors from the ICT industry and corporate partners, offering over 500 job opportunities to fresh graduates, university students, and anyone interested in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry.
“We are thrilled to join the Huawei x HKPC ICT Talent Job Fair and have the opportunity to showcase the potential of the e-commerce logistics industry. Through our youth committee’s sharing, we hope to break-through the traditional impression about logistics. We want to show how fun and innovative the modern e-commerce logistics is. We would like to inspire young talents to join this exciting industry, which plays a critical role in Hong Kong’s economy.” Hong Kong E-Commerce Logistics Association (HKELA) President Suki Cheung stated. HKELA Youth Team also shared their work experience, different job opportunities, and the possible career paths in e-commerce, topics including digital marketing, online sales models, warehousing, automation, international shipping, and networking opportunities.