
香港是連接中國和全球之間的全球國際航空和運輸樞紐之一,為加強這一點,利用三個地方的優勢深化粵港澳大灣區的合作至關重要。在大灣區的9個城市中,珠海作為重要的經濟區和工業發展和蓬勃發展的電子商務產業的交通樞紐。為了了解珠海電子商務企業行業的潛力,本白皮書提供了關於四個關鍵主題的概述 (1) 珠海跨境電子商務的前景和機遇 (2) 珠海在大灣區的競爭優勢

(3) 市場對珠海潛力的看法和時間和勞動力投資的偏好 (4) 市場認為政府在促進珠海電子商務發展方面最需要支持。





Hong Kong E-Commerce Logistics Association (HKELA) announces the release of white paper, Key Focuses and Opportunities of Zhuhai’s Cross-Border E-Commerce Industry today on 22May, 2023. The paper conducted a survey from 6March to 28April, 2023 collecting opinions from over 1,000 companies located Hong Kong and Zhuhai respectively, key-decision makers and stakeholders in the e-commerce and logistics fields.

As noted in the paper, Hong Kong is one of the global international aviation and transportation hub to connect between China and the Globe. To reinforce the success, it is vital to further deepen the corporation within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) by leveraging the advantages of the three places.

Among the 9 municipalities in the Greater Bay Area, Zhuhai serves as an important economic zone and transportation hub for industrial development and the thriving e-commerce industry. To understand the potential of Zhuhai for e-commerce businesses, this paper provides an overview about four key topics: (1) prospect and opportunities in Zhuhai for cross-border e-commerce industry (2) competitive advantages of Zhuhai in the Greater Bay Area (3) how the market views Zhuhai potential and preference of investment on time and labor (4) what the market views as the most needed support from the government to promote the development of Zhuhai e-commerce business.

The paper also provides recommendations based on rental policy, operating expense management, and possible limitations and challenges. To promote the growth of e-commerce industry, Zhuhai Bonded Area Administration Committee issued the “Interim Measures for Supporting the Development of Cross-border E-Commerce Industry in the Zhuhai Bonded Area”, by which businesses can use the support measures to form e-commerce logistics industry chain division of labor between Hong Kong and Zhuhai, indirectly promoting further integration between the two places.

With stronger bonding between Hong Kong and The Greater Bay Area, the Government will continue to consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s position as an international aviation hub, international maritime center and regional logistics hub, with a view to promoting the economy’s sustainable growth.

To download the white paper, visit:

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